
Start Using JavaScript

      JavaScript Introduction:     1.  What is JavaScript ?  JavaScript is world's most popular scripting or programming language. JavaScript is the language of web. JavaScript is easy to learn. It makes the web pages more interactive. Short name of JavaScript is js.     2. Why Study JavaScript ? JavaScript is one of the 3 languages that all web developers must learn. We can make our Webpages more alive by manipulating HTML DOM( D ocument O bject M odel). JavaScript can add/change/remove HTML elements. JavaScript can add/change/remove HTML attributes. JavaScript can add/change/remove CSS styles. JavaScript can react to HTML events. JavaScript can add/change/remove HTML events.     3. What is JavaScript used for ? Adding interactive behavior to web pages. Creating web and mobile apps. Building web servers and developing server applications. Game development.     4. SO, What is a computer Program ?     =>...

JavaScript Introduction

JavaScript Notes Defining JavaScript JavaScript is a scripting or a programming language, allowing developers to perform complex features on web pages. Initially, this language was created for making web pages alive. In JavaScript, the programs are called scripts. One can write them in the HTML of a web page, then it will automatically run once the page loads. At this point, JavaScript is completely different from another language, called Java. Initially, when JavaScript was created, it was called “LiveScript”. Then, as Java was extremely popular in that period, then it was decided to call it JavaScript to position it relative to Java. But, over the years, JavaScript has transformed into a completely independent language, with its specification, known as ECMAscript, having no relation to Java. Modern JavaScript can both work in the browser and on the server. Basically, it can run on any device that has a specific program known as the JavaScript engine. What In-browser JavaScri...